![]() “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” (Job 13:15) If we say, “I trust in God,” can we withstand the trials of Job? If we have need for nothing, if we are full, healthy, and all of our needs are met, there is little need to execute our faith. Spurgeon asks these questions: Will we believe God when we lose a loved one? Will believe God when our body is wracked with pain? Will we believe God when we have lost a child? Will we believe God when we have lost property? Will we still bless the name of the Lord if he strips us of everything? “If we can, then this is faith worth having, but if we cannot, then it is not the faith that is worthy of God…You see, then, brethren, if we have faith we must expect to have it tried, by reason of faith being an unusual thing in the world and because if it would not bear trial it would not be worth having. History tells us that the best servants of God have had their trials—and why should we expect to escape?” “Faith must and shall be tried, as surely as it is the faith of God’s people. The trial is greatly for our good and greatly for God’s glory” GiGi❤️
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August 2024