“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11)
When I entered the 7th grade I joined the track team. By the time I went on Christmas break I was one of the best runners on the team. My track coach put me in the fastest races due to my time. When we returned to school the following year, a new girl had transferred to our school. She was tall, slim, and fast. I had a difficult time adjusting to the fact that I was no longer the fastest on the team. My track coach raced us against each other to determine who would run each race. I didn't want to lose my spot so I pulled Renee K to the side and asked her, “Why don’t you let me win this race?” She was younger, a 6th grader and intimidated by an eight grader. She said, “OK,” but I could tell she was embarrassed for me. I was so ashamed after I asked. It was one of the lowest points of my childhood. I felt sick to my stomach. I eventually went to my coach and told her what I had done. As I reflect back, I realize that much of my childhood was entrenched with my trying to be perfect and the best at whatever I did. So many other children, who eventually become adults continue to be under pressure to win, pressure to be perfect, especially when there is someone in our ear telling us we are not good enough or that we have to be. There is pressure to look a certain way especially when we have had someone in our lives who pointed out all the things that are wrong about us. Yet, the Lord does not look at any of that. He is just asking us to stay in the race. He is asking us to exercise faith every step of the way. To all of us who are still struggling with childhood pressures that have turned into adult pressures, let us let go of trying to be perfect and let go of pleasing man. We have been running the wrong race. We had our eyes on the wrong prize. Let us “Go our way, eat our bread with joy, and drink our wine with a merry heart; for God now accepts our works.” (Ecclesiastes 9:7) Stop it! This scripture is not telling us to go out and party. We are simply to stop striving and live life to the fullest in peace, trusting that we serve a God that always has our back. That’s perfection! GiGi❤️
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August 2024