“And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” (Romans 8:27)
Intercessory prayer may require us to give up something, time, pleasures, and/or comfort for the sake of crying out to God on the behalf of others. Intercessory prayer is taking the place of someone else and pleading their case before God. “Remember Moses, the most royal of men, whether crowned or uncrowned; how often did he intercede! How frequently do you meet with such a record as this "Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before God!" Remember that cry of his on the top of the mount, when it was to his own personal disadvantage to intercede, and yet when God had said, "Let me alone, I will make of thee a great nation," yet how he continued, how he thrust himself in the way of the axe of justice, and cried, "Spare them, Lord, and if not," (and here he reached the very climax of agonizing earnestness) "blot my name out of the Book of Life." Never was there a mightier prophet than Moses, and never one more intensely earnest in intercessory prayer.” Charles Spurgeon “There is not a single child of God who does not plead with God for his children, for his family, for the church at large, and for the poor ungodly perishing world.” GiGi❤️
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August 2024