![]() Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table." So Ahab sent for all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together on Mount Carmel. (I King 18: 19-20) Why does it seem that the people of God are always playing defense. True enough, in the end, they always win, but why is it only after having responded to some awful attack? David only fought Goliath after the giant had defied Israel and its armies for forty days. Gideon was content with threshing wheat in a wine press to keep from confronting the Midianites out in the open. So, let's give Elijah some credit because in I Kings 18, we finally see somebody on God's team playing offense. Evil King Ahab had been searching for him to get him to call off a three year drought. Wicked Queen Jezebel had a contract out on him to take his life. The prophets of the idol god Baal had been mocking him, his faith and his God. It was under these circumstances, with his life on the line, that Elijah decided to stop playing defense and start playing offense. He challenged King Ahab to summon all of the 450 prophets of Baal and said: "Tell them to meet me on the mountain." He was not going to hide in a widow's house anymore. He was coming out in the open. He was not going to wait on their next move. He was going to make his own move. We was not going to wait for them to find him. He was going to tell them where he was and wait for them to get there. Wow! That's what you call playing offense! Don't you think it is time for the people of God to stop playing the part of defenseless victims and start playing the part of confident victors! It is time for the church to stop sitting in its sanctuary announcing that the doors of the church are open hoping that someone will join the church. Instead, it is time for the church to burst forth through those doors, hit the streets, preach the gospel and compel men, women, boys and girls to hear and accept it. It is time for the church to stop complaining about the political process and protesting ungodly laws after the fact. Rather, it is time for the church to start electing godly officials who will sponsors and pass godly laws. It is time for the church to stop critically talking about our youth and start creating positive alternatives for our youth. The whole armor of God covers every side of the Christian soldier except his or her back because the church is always to be on the offense. When it is, not even the gates of hell can prevail against it. Pastor Benjamin Morris🙏🏽
1 Comment
5/5/2022 03:55:24 am
Yes and yes. Aman
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August 2024