![]() Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9) It is a great obligation that we have to pray and intercede for others, especially our family and friends. It is even a greater one to live blameless so that we can demonstrate the love of God. Let us be reminded of the responsibility of being a witness to those our hearts are so closely linked to, our family. In all of our busyness, building and tearing down, let us not forget to take time out to pray with, and for our family at every opportunity. Let us make sure we minister to those that are nearest to us. It is our duty. “The proverb says, ‘Charity must begin at home,’ and certainly Christian love ought to begin there. Are our own houses swept? Our own children, and servants, and brethren, and sisters— have we as much as lieth in us sought to win them unto Christ? For my part, I deprecate the spirit which takes a Christian mother from her children to be doing good everywhere except at home. I dread the zeal of those who can run to many services but whose households are not cared for; yet sometimes such is the case. I have known people very interested in the seven trumpets and the seven seals who have not been quite so particular about the seven dear children that God has entrusted to them. Leave somebody else to open up the Revelation, and look you to your own boys. Mind where they are in the evenings! And see to your girls, that they know, at least, the gospel; for indeed there are some households where there is ignorance of the plan of salvation, albeit that the parents are professedly Christians. Such things ought not to be. Where is Abel thy brother? Thy son? Where is thy daughter, thy sister, thy father, thy cousin? See to this, that ye begin at once earnestly seeking the salvation of relatives.” Charles Spurgeon Surely, it is our loved one’s decision as to whether they will accept Christ. Yet, how we live and how we treat them, will either draw our family to CHRIST or be a stumbling block. We are our brother’s keeper! GiGi❤️
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August 2024