![]() “And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24) “A poor and wretched man dreamed that he was counting out gold. There it stood upon the table before him in great bags, and as he untied string after string, he found himself wealthy beyond Solomon’s treasures. He was lying on a bed of straw in the midst of filth and squalor, a mass of rags and wretchedness, but he dreamed of riches. A charitable friend who had brought him help stood at the sleeping man’s side and said, ‘I have brought you help, for I know you are in great need.’ Now the man was in deep sleep, and the voice mingled with his dream as though it were part of it, he replied, irritably, “Go away, I don’t need charity from you, I am a rich man. Can’t you see all of the gold?” His friend walked away sad, not knowing the man was talking in his sleep. When the man awakened he realized it was all a dream and that he had sent away the only friend that he had.” Charles Spurgeon The idea of wealth is not just about possessing gold and silver, it is also the perception that, whatever we are in possession of, it fulfills us. That fulfillment can be in the form of a relationship, social status, education, or even self assurance. Either way, we place so much value on it that we are not willing to give it up, not even for Jesus. I’d Rather Have Jesus!! GiGi❤️
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August 2024