![]() “How long shall ye halt between two opinions?” (1 Kings 18:21a) Being true to yourself is one of the perks of serving the one and only true living God. It is when one gives God their heart, all of it, that one is truly free and accepting of oneself, the good, bad and ugly. Sometimes, “we are torn between desperately wanting everyone to see our struggle so that we can stop pretending and desperately doing whatever it takes to make sure no one ever sees anything except what we’ve edited and approved for posting.” Brene Brown “Do not be shilly-shallying any longer. Let your heart go one way or the other. If the devil be worth loving, give him your heart, and serve him; but if Christ be worth loving, give him your heart, and have done with hesitation. Turn over to Jesus once for all. Oh, may his Spirit turn you, and you shall be turned, and his name shall have the praise!” Charles Spurgeon No more “Shelly-shallying,” just be who God made you to be, YOURSELF! GiGi❤️
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August 2024