Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? Isaiah 53:1
Each day we get to choose to be present and to show up fully, prayed up and speaking life into our circumstances and the people we meet. Today we are the host that is sent out to spy the land. What will be our report? Will it be one of faith and victory or will it be fear and failure. Either we will see the world around us through the lens of our hope in Christ or our perspective will be tainted by our unbelief. Either we will speak death or life today. We get to decide. Spurgeon wrote, “Beloved brethren and friends, to put the parable as simply as I can, I am about to make out every Christian man and woman here to be a spy who has entered into the good land of religion, and who by his conduct and conversation brings either an evil or a good report of this good land, and either moves the world to murmur at and to despise Christ, [or either draws men and women to the throne of grace.] How we live matters. It is our testimony to the world. We will not draw anyone to Christ with our head and heart trodden down and complaining but will through a life of praise and victory. What will be our report today? GiGi❤️
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August 2024