“He who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)
It is a show of good character to finish what we start. When we have matured we may have learned that it is better not to make promises if we cannot keep them and better not to begin a project if we know that we cannot finish it. Joyce Meyers stated, “There’s nothing better than having the peace, righteousness, joy and satisfaction of knowing you’ve finished what God has given you to do. The reward is so much greater than whatever price you have to pay. It may not feel good while you’re going through the process of getting there, but when it’s over, you have that satisfying feeling of knowing you did what God put in your heart to do. You can sit back, relax and watch God move!” Yes, it is hard. It is difficult. Yet, we experience peace and a sense of satisfaction when we cross the finish line. We don’t have to be first, it doesn’t have to be perfect, we just have to be able to say we did what God required us to do. “There are the spectators, and there are the runners. What strong men! What magnificent muscles! But at the end of the course is the finish line, and there at that point is where I must judge who the winner is, not here, at the starting line, for “In a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?” [1 Corinthians 9:24] I may select this one, or that other person, as likely to win, but I cannot be absolutely sure until the race is over. There they fly! see how they press forward; but one has tripped, another faints, a third is out of breath, and others are far behind. One only wins — and who is he? Why, he who continues to the end.” Charles Spurgeon Dear Lord, give us the strength and courage to finish or complete what you have given us to do. GiGi❤️
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August 2024