O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good! We find that when we have a thankful or grateful heart it helps us to maintain our focus on God. Without constant thankfulness we will forget and we will no longer seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Living our lives for ourselves will be prioritized over living in obedience to Christ.
“Although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.” (Romans 1:21, NIV) David touched the pith of the matter when he said, “Against you, you only, I have sinned, and done this evil in your sight.” Sin is a lack of conformity to the will of God, a breach either in imagination, or desire, or word, or action, of the divine law. It is a forgetfulness of the due relationship which exists between a creature and the Creator. It is only right that he who made us should have our service. It is a great and intolerable wrong that, being created by God, we still refuse to yield to his will. It is right that he who is so good to us should have our love: it is sin that, living upon God’s goodness, we do not return to him our heart’s affection. It is right that, being sustained by divine benevolence from day to day, we should give to him constant thankfulness; but, being so sustained, we do not thank him, and herein lies the very soul of sin. As we begin a new week, let us be reminded of the importance, the value of taking time to thank God. The more we thank Him, the more we will praise Him and the less we will yield to unrighteousness, negative thinking, and negative influences. Constant thankfulness helps us to keep our peace and keep our eyes on Jesus, “In everything give thanks.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) GiGi❤️
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August 2024