![]() “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 Like Martha, we have options, we can either accept our reality and rest in the presence of God or we can resist our reality and become overwhelmed. “Instead of complaining about our experience or rejecting what we are feeling, what if we accepted the moment for what it is? What if we stopped thinking about all of the ways in which the moment could be better? What if we stopped resisting our reality? When we give up our resistance, we open ourselves to the joy, freedom, and possibility that exist in every moment.” “When things are not going the way we expect them to, “there is a temptation to be sad, careful, and anxious; to be, in fact, like Martha, encumbered with much service. When you get into that condition it is an injury to yourself, and really prejudicial to your own work, for they serve Christ best who commune with Him most, and broken fellowship means broken strength; yet this is often our trouble. Our energies are exhausted by worry more than by work; part of our duty is neglected through unexpected cares that have distracted our thoughts.” Charles Spurgeon Dear Lord, strengthen us to be intentional with spending time in your presence whether in worship, prayer or praise. Help us to practice acceptance so that we can be of good cheer. Amen. GiGi❤️
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August 2024