“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
Choose faith over fear. It may appear bleak at times and the world may offer us alternatives, but choose faith over fear. When we are caught between two decisions, one quick and one easy, one taking us away from God, the other longer and perhaps arduous but draws us nearer to Him, Iet us choose the faith journey over immediacy. Many have found that they had increased their burden rather than lifting it when they chose not to wait on God. When they chose not to trust Him. “As for me and my house I will serve the Lord.” Spurgeon wrote: “Who have done great things? Not men of fear and trembling, men who are afraid, but men of faith, who had bold fronts and foreheads made of brass—men who never shook and never trembled, but believing in God, lifted their eyes to the hills, whence comes their strength…Faith is mightiest of the mighty. It is the monarch of the realms of the mind. There is no being superior to its strength, no creature which will not bow to its divine prowess. ..There is nothing like faith. Give us faith and we can do all things. Choose faith over fear and do the right thing. GiGi❤️
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August 2024